Acid Neutralizer for Well Water: Everything You Must Know

Acid Neutralizer for Well Water

Are you fed up with the damaging effects of acidic well water? You’re not alone, though. Fortunately, an acid neutralizer for well water fixes the problem well. 

In this piece, we’ll review important information about acidic water and factors to consider before purchasing an acid neutralizer for well water to ensure you make a wise purchase.

Acidic water

Acidic water has a pH of 6.5 or less. The pH of any liquid ranges from 1 to 14, with 1 being the most acidic, 14 being the most alkaline, and 7 being neutral.


There are several natural sources of acid water, including acid rain. Rainwater takes minerals and nutrients from the ground’s rocks and soils, causing a natural increase in pH.

Alkaline water provides several health advantages. It produces water with a pH of at least 7.5. Water can sometimes absorb even more minerals, resulting in increased alkalinity.

What is the source of acidic water?

Acid rain is formed when water and carbon dioxide combine during precipitation. When evaporated water from streams, oceans, and lakes rises and condenses, clouds develop. 

Evaporation acts as a natural filter, eliminating contaminants such as minerals, hardness, and pathogens. The water, as a result, is soft, clean, and acidic.

Water is returned to the soil during precipitation (rain). 

Carbonic acid is generated when carbon dioxide in the atmosphere dissolves with rainfall. As a result, the pH of the rainfall is about 5.6.

Acidic water’s impact on plumbing

Acidic water, an exceedingly corrosive fluid, may be severely harmful to pipes and plumbing. Acid water may destroy copper pipes, leaving blue or green stains on your faucets and fixtures.

If you detect this discoloration, it means your plumbing system is deteriorating. If left unchecked, leaks can form, posing a significant flooding danger.

Repairing your home’s water system is not inexpensive, which is why it is preferable to keep corrosive water from entering your property in the first place.


Acid water damage affects more than just your plumbing and pipes. Low-pH water will also damage your heater and water-based equipment over time. Water heaters are especially vulnerable to acid damage since the heat may corrode the water even more.

Acidic water will reduce the lifespan of your appliances and eventually lead them to break prematurely.

Leaching is another acid water issue to be aware of. Since acid water has extremely few minerals, it is more prone to absorbing metal ions from pipes, such as zinc, copper, and lead.

These metals are likely in acid water when you consume them. Even trace levels of lead are dangerous, and discoloration from iron and copper may cause ugly stains on your sinks, bathtubs, and faucets.

How does an acid neutralizer for well water function?

There are several acid neutralizers, each with a somewhat varied performance to achieve a similar result.

Backwashing Equipment

The most prevalent acid neutralizer units on the market today are backwash systems. A mineral tank and a control valve are used in these systems. The mineral tank is filled with calcite media or a calcite and magnesium oxide mixture.

Water enters the tank through a distributor tube and circulates through the medium, dissolving calcium carbonate. It then enters a distributor basket and exits the tank via a riser tube, where it is distributed throughout your home.

The water in this sort of system will take the simplest way, which means it will flow through the same few channels repeatedly. As a result, part of the media in the neutralizer tank receives almost little water exposure, while others are continually exposed to acidic water. Backwashing is therefore required.

During a backwash cycle, high-pressure water is pumped into the tank in the opposite direction of its normal flow. As a result, the media bed lifts, spins, and redistributes itself around the neutralizer tank. The tank’s water (typically 30 to 40 gallons) is then emptied, and the redistributed media is replaced and ready to increase the pH of acidic water again.

Upflow Devices

Vortech plates are used in up-flow systems to guarantee consistent performance without backwashing. A mineral tank is used in the system, with a distributor tube entering from the top center.


A Vortech plate at the tank’s bottom pushes water from the distributor tube, spiraling upward. The power of this spiral propels the media together with the water, eliminating the need for backwashing.

The advantage of up-flow systems is obvious: no water is lost, and no time is spent on backwash cycles, resulting in more efficient performance.

Chemical Injection Procedures

A chemical injection system injects soda ash into acidic water through a chemical feed pump. The device consists of a single tank and a control valve that can be set to add a certain amount of soda ash dependent on the pH of your water.

Once water enters your home, it will divert into the chemical injection system’s tank. The injector pump will inject soda ash. Most chemical injection systems are powered by electricity. Water flow is usually not an issue. Before using the system, it must be primed.

What to look for when buying an acid neutralizer for well water?

When purchasing the best acid neutralizer for well water, the following considerations should be considered:


In terms of cost, a high-quality neutralizing system should cost at least $800. While the initial cost is expensive, the upkeep cost is significantly lower.

Calcite and corosex media are pricey, mainly because you’ll only need to refill your tanks every 8-12 months. Larger batches of this material are frequently cheaper per kilogram when purchased in bulk.

Daily water consumption

The number of bathrooms in your home or the size of your family will decide the size of the tanks. This is straightforward to calculate: for 1 or 2 people, a 1.0 cubic foot acid neutralizer is necessary, while a 1.5 cubic foot tank is advised for up to 4 people.

If you need a solution for more than 8 individuals, tanks are available in sizes up to 3.5 cubic feet.

Flow Rate

The system’s capacity to change water pH is affected by the pace at which water flows from the tank. The flow rate of your residence will determine the tank size required for your acid neutralizer. You must get the correct-sized tank for the flow rate of your home.

pH Scale


The pH of the water determines the system you should use in your pipes. Calcite and corosex should function nicely if your pH is between 6 and 6.5. Anything less than this will very certainly need a chemical injection device.


A strong warranty ensures you are covered if your tanks, valves, distributor tubes, or other components fail to meet expectations.

Before purchasing a system, you should read the guarantee thoroughly. You’re making a significant investment. Therefore, refunds and free replacement components for malfunctioning systems are essential.

By thoroughly knowing the acid neutralizer for well water with all these elements in mind, you will likely purchase an appropriate model for your home!

Acid neutralizer for well water: Installation and maintenance

Most neutralizing systems will need a complicated installation at your home’s main water supply. If you don’t have a natural knack for DIY, consider hiring a plumber. This can cost an additional $200-$300 on top of the initial pricing.

Maintenance is determined by the system purchased. Maintenance of some kind is usually required every 6 to 12 months.

Acid neutralizer for well water: Maintainance

Like most home water treatment equipment, an acid neutralizer for well water requires little upkeep.

While you won’t need to attend to these systems daily, you must follow the manufacturer’s regular cleaning and maintenance recommendations.

If you have a calcium and corosex neutralizer, you must refill the calcium carbonate/corosex medium as it becomes depleted.

When a calcite cartridge reaches the end of its gallon capacity in a system, the complete cartridge must be changed. Your user manual will include information on filter adjustments and media top-ups.

The flow rate of your home and daily water usage will usually determine how frequently you need to add calcite and corosex to the tank.

If you bought a whole-house chemical injection system, check the user handbook to see how often you need to replace the soda ash.

Every acid neutralizer requires maintenance. If you don’t change the filters or replenish the media, the system will be unable to raise the pH of your water, and you’ll be better off not using it at all.

Follow all of these maintenance tips to extend the life of your acid neutralizer for well water.

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1. What is the shelf life of an acid neutralizer for well water?

Most acid neutralizers have a lifespan of at least ten years. The warranty period is a solid indicator of how long a system will last. You want a guarantee of ten years.

2. Is it true that an acid neutralizer makes water hard?

The acidic water solution produces fairly hard water. The majority of acid neutralizers increase hardness by roughly five grains.

3. What happens if the water is very acidic?

The hazard of acidic water (pH less than 6.5) is that it can leach metals from the well and the pipelines that transport water. These metals include lead, manganese, copper, and iron, which may be dangerous in excessive quantities. As a result, acidic water poses a health concern.

4. What is an acid neutralizer for well water comprised of?

Acid neutralizers are typically fiberglass tanks containing food-grade calcium carbonate, often known as calcite. When calcite is exposed to water, calcium carbonate dissolves to form calcium and carbonate ions, which increase the pH of acidic water.

Wrapping up

This article will offer all you need to know about an acid neutralizer for well water. Because we’ve mentioned variables to consider before purchasing an acidic neutralizer for well water, keep that in mind, and you’ll end up with outstanding models.

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