How to Raise pH in Well Water: 8 Easy And Quick Solutions

How to Raise pH in Well Water

Appropriate pH levels in well water are crucial to guarantee its quality and usability. pH, which measures the acidity of a solution on a scale from 0 to 14, plays a significant role. A pH below 7 indicates acidity, while a pH above 7 indicates alkalinity. 

Unfortunately, well water can sometimes have a low pH, resulting in various problems, such as corroding plumbing systems, unpalatable taste, and diminished effectiveness of water treatment techniques. In today’s article, you’ll explore how to raise pH in well water.

Luckily, multiple efficient approaches exist to elevate the pH of well water and adjust it to a more favorable range. Within this guide, I will delve into these methods, offering valuable insights to assist you in how to raise pH in well water.

How To Raise pH In Well Water: Understanding pH And Its Importance

pH represents the hydrogen potential, also known as the power of hydrogen, present in your water. The pH scale is a logarithmic measurement system that ranges from 0 to 14, representing the acidity or alkalinity of a solution.

A pH level of 7 signifies neutrality, whereas values lower than 7 indicate acidity and above 7 indicate alkalinity. Rarely elevated pH levels occur due to abundant boron, calcium, and magnesium.

High pH levels often exhibit a noticeable sulfur odor, while low pH acidic water can lead to plumbing corrosion and the leaching of metals. Consequently, well water pumped into your system may contain significant toxic metals, including manganese, iron, lead, copper, and others.

how to raise pH in well water

Elevating the pH to a healthy range is vital to safeguard your drinking water from pollutants. Before you explore the methods of raising pH in well water, let’s first examine some common indicators of acidic water that require attention.

Understanding the pH scale is crucial for assessing water quality, as it plays a significant role in the chemical composition and overall ecosystem of wells. PH levels significantly influence well water’s taste, odor, and appearance. When pH is imbalanced, it can lead to an unpleasant taste, foul odor, or cloudiness, compromising the water’s overall quality.

Acidic water, with a pH lower than 7, can cause corrosion in pipes, leading to costly repairs and potential contamination of drinking water. On the other hand, overly alkaline water, with a pH above 7, can cause scaling and buildup in pipes.

How To Raise pH In Well Water: Factors That Affect pH Levels

The pH levels of well water can be influenced by various factors, including:

  • Minerals from the surrounding rocks and soil have the potential to dissolve into groundwater, impacting its pH levels.
  • Industrial pollution can cause acidic rainwater to infiltrate groundwater, leading to decreased pH levels.
  • Treatment methods like chlorination can introduce changes to the pH of water due to chemical reactions.
  • Certain dissolved gasses, such as carbon dioxide, can contribute to the acidity of well water.

How To Raise pH In Well Water: Signs That Indicate Low pH

Although low pH in well water may not directly impose substantial health risks, the impact of acidic water on plumbing systems can result in indirect health effects. The pipes’ corrosion can lead to heavy metals being released into the drinking water, potentially causing various health issues.

how to raise pH in well water

Some symptoms of low pH water exposure include:

  • In the presence of galvanized plumbing in your home, you will likely observe reddish stains resembling rust on surfaces that come into contact with water. This occurs when the interior of the plumbing erodes, leading to a reddish-brown tint in the water and a potential metallic taste.
  • The accumulation of rust and corrosion within your toilet tank can progressively lead to its deterioration, indicating the presence of acidic water. This decay can be observed as a common sign, accompanied by corrosion inside the toilet bowl.
  • Over time, acidic water can corrode the interior of your pipes and plumbing system. This corrosion gradually erodes the surfaces, increasing the risk of pinhole leaks. Additionally, you may observe external signs such as cracking and stress on the pipes themselves.
  • Over time, acidic water can corrode the interior of your pipes and plumbing system. As these surfaces deteriorate, the probability of pinhole leaks rises. Moreover, you may observe the presence of cracking and stress on the external surfaces of your pipes.
  • Additionally, there are potential health implications associated with acidic water, such as long-term teeth damage, gastrointestinal problems, reduced calcium retention, exposure to heavy metals, and increased health risks, particularly for young children.

How To Raise pH In Well Water: Testing pH In Well Water

Conducting a pH test on your well water is crucial in assessing whether the pH level needs adjustment. Determining the pH level can effectively identify any existing acidic imbalances in your water.

There are two primary approaches to testing the pH of your household water. The first involves solely assessing the pH level, while the second involves comprehensive testing that includes pH measurement and other important properties specific to well water.

I recommend opting for the latter method, as it provides a more comprehensive understanding of your well water’s overall quality and characteristics.

Moreover, several methods exist for testing pH in well water, including test strips, pH meters, and water testing kits.

Test Strips

Test strips are a simple and cost-effective way to measure the pH of your well water. When immersed in water, these strips are coated with a pH-sensitive material that changes color. To use test strips, dip a strip into a well water sample. The strip changes color based on the pH level, and you can compare the color to a provided chart to determine the pH.

  • Easy to use
  • Quick results
  • Affordable
  • May not be as accurate as other methods

pH Meters

pH meters are electronic devices that provide a more precise measurement of your well water’s pH level. These meters use a probe to detect the pH and display the results on a screen. Before using a pH meter, it’s crucial to calibrate the device according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Once calibrated, place the probe into your well water sample, and the meter will display the pH level.

  • Accurate measurements
  • It can be used for multiple tests
  • Instant results
  • More expensive than test strips
  • Requires calibration

Water Testing Kits

Well water testing kits typically offer a more comprehensive analysis of your water, including pH, mineral content, and the presence of contaminants. Some kits use test strips, while others use chemical reagents to determine pH levels. Most well water testing kits are available online or from local stores specializing in water treatment.

  • Tests for multiple water quality parameters
  • Provides accurate and detailed information
  • Offers comprehensive results
  • May be more expensive than other methods
  • Some kits require sending samples to a laboratory for testing

By using any of these methods, you can accurately determine the pH level of your well water and decide whether you need to raise the pH. Remember to follow the specific testing instructions for each method to ensure accurate results.

How To Raise pH In Well Water: Problems Caused By Acidic Water

Here are the problems caused by acidic water:

Exposure To Heavy Metals

Water with a low pH is more prone to containing elevated levels of heavy metals. Due to the lack of minerals in low-pH water, it tends to scavenge and accumulate various substances along its path to your faucet to restore a neutral pH level.

Consequently, when water flows through your pipes, it has the potential to collect metals that you subsequently consume.

Exposure to heavy metals can cause health effects, including symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, shortness of breath, and potential organ damage. Additionally, consuming acidic water can harm your teeth and bones.


The presence of acidic water triggers a process known as corrosion, which gradually deteriorates materials over time. As your pipes begin to dissolve, they become more vulnerable to leakage. Moreover, the metals from these corroding pipes can detach and contaminate your drinking water supply.

How To Raise pH In Well Water: Ways To Fix Acidic Well Water

Here are the ways to raise pH in well water:

Neutralizing Filters

Neutralizing filters are an effective and straightforward way to increase the pH of well water. These filters use calcite, a naturally occurring calcium carbonate mineral, as the primary filter media. Calcite dissolves when it comes into contact with water, which helps increase the pH level of the water.

In some cases, Corosex (magnesium oxide) can be mixed with calcite to increase the pH-boosting effect. Neutralizing filters work like whole house filters, ensuring every tap delivers non-acidic water.

how to raise pH in well water

Neutralizing filters are easy to install and maintain. You can use a combination of calcite and Corosex for a stronger effect. This treats water for the entire home.

Soda Ash Feeders

Another method for raising the pH in well water is using a soda ash feeder, also known as a chemical feed pump. This device injects a pre-set amount of soda ash (sodium carbonate) solution into your water system. Soda ash is a pH-boosting compound that neutralizes acidity and acts as a water softener.

To use a soda ash feeder, you’ll need to:

Soda ash feeders are a more aggressive method for raising pH levels and are typically recommended for cases with extreme acidity.

Calcite Media

Water with a pH of 6 to 6.5 can be effectively treated using an acid neutralizer with calcite media. This particular treatment material, derived from crushed white marble, is designed to address the needs of acidic water.

Treating water with calcium carbonate leads to an elevation in its pH level. This process mirrors the natural environment, where water flowing through calcium-rich rock formations experiences a similar pH increase.

Typically, a neutralizing filter is supplied with a set of calcite media included in the initial purchase.

pH Adjusting Chemicals

If you’re looking for a simpler and more budget-friendly option, pH-adjusting chemicals like soda ash, sodium hydroxide, and calcium carbonate can be added directly to your water supply. These chemicals help neutralize acidic water and increase the pH level. However, this method may require frequent monitoring and adjustments to maintain the desired pH levels.

While using pH-adjusting chemicals might be affordable, it may not provide a comprehensive solution like neutralizing filters or soda ash feeders.

In summary, you can raise the pH of your well water using neutralizing filters, soda ash feeders, or directly adding pH-adjusting chemicals. Each method has benefits and drawbacks, so select the one that fits your needs & budget.

Calcite-Corosex Blend Media

Although calcite media is generally suitable for various situations, there may be instances where you encounter highly acidic water with a pH level lower than 6. In such cases, combining magnesium oxide and corosex can be more effective.

how to raise pH in well water

This combination can raise water’s pH by up to 1.5 units, surpassing the typical 1-unit increase achieved with calcite media.

For the combined use of calcite and corosex, adding approximately 10% to 20% magnesium oxide and 80% to 90% calcite media is recommended. This composition ratio ensures the desired effectiveness and pH adjustment when treating acidic water.

It is essential to consider that using calcite and magnesium oxide to treat acidic water will increase the hardness of calcium and magnesium minerals.

How To Raise pH In Well Water: Alternative Solutions

Here are the alternative solutions and best practices for raising pH in well water:

Reverse Osmosis Systems

Reverse osmosis systems are an effective solution for treating acidic well water. These systems force water through a semipermeable membrane, removing impurities and acidic particles.

As a result, reverse osmosis systems provide cleaner, mineral-balanced water with a more neutral pH. However, choose a system with a remineralization stage to add essential minerals to the purified water and increase alkalinity.

Water Softeners

Water softeners can address hard water issues, which often coexist with acidic well water. While they do not directly raise pH levels, water softeners prevent scale build-up, prolonging the life of your appliances and plumbing system.

By removing calcium & magnesium ions and replacing them with sodium or potassium ions, water softeners produce softer water, reducing hard water spots and soap scum.

Alkaline Water Filters

Alkaline water filters are specifically designed to increase the pH of water, making them an excellent solution for well water. These filters typically use calcite or other pH-boosting media to neutralize acidity while adding essential minerals like calcium carbonate. As a result, alkaline water filters provide healthier and better-tasting water with a more balanced pH.

Some popular alkaline water filters include:

  • Calcite-based neutralizer filters: Raise well water pH from 7.0 to 8.0 & add 30 to 100 ppm of hardness.
  • Acid-neutralizing filters: Attach to your plumbing system to increase alkalinity and provide pH-balanced water throughout your home.
  • Alkaline water machines or water ionizers: Use electrolysis to produce ionized water with a higher pH for drinking and cooking.

When selecting the best solution for your well water, it is essential to test your water’s pH levels to determine the degree of acidity and ensure that any chosen method suits your specific requirements.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) On How To Raise pH In Well Water

1. What is a good pH level for well water?

A good pH level for well water is between 6.5 to 8.5.

2. Is low pH well water bad?

The presence of low pH levels in water can lead to the leaching of metals from plumbing systems, thereby potentially giving rise to health issues.

3. How do you fix the pH in drinking water?

You can fix the pH in drinking water by using a neutralizing filter that incorporates either calcite or ground limestone (calcium carbonate) and magnesia (magnesium oxide). These components effectively assist in increasing the pH of the water.

Conclusion: How To Raise pH In Well Water

Raising the pH in well water is essential to maintain the health and safety of the water supply in your home. Several methods are available to achieve this, including using acid-neutralizing filters, injecting soda ash, and installing reverse osmosis systems with remineralization.

Neutralizing filters effectively increase the pH, as they work like whole-house filters, ensuring non-acidic water flows from every tap in the home. These filters contain pH-boosting media, such as calcite, which help balance the acidity of the water.

Reverse osmosis systems with remineralization can effectively purify well water by removing acidic particles and adding alkaline minerals to the filtered water. Some prefer this method, as it addresses pH balance and improves overall water quality.

I hope today’s article on how to raise pH in well water sounds helpful!

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