Ultimate Guide For Water Softener Maintenance

water softener maintenance

Water softeners are an excellent way to improve your drinking water. They remove calcium and magnesium and make your water supply more enjoyable. We will discuss some tips for better water softener maintenance.

Water softeners need some regular checking which is minimal and affordable. If you follow specific ways, you can make them work more efficiently and long-lasting. Here we will look at some basic settings for water softener maintenance and secret tips to maintain them.

Necessary Settings For Water Softener Maintenance


A water softener maintenance must be appropriately done to provide a steady flow of softened water. It comes with 4 basic settings such as regeneration cycle time, regeneration cycle frequency, regeneration cycle length, and salt dose.

When the resin beads come in contact with hard water, they absorb minerals. They must exchange calcium and magnesium ions for sodium to soften the water. These beads must be regenerated before the next batch of hard water can enter the system.

The brine tank blasts sodium-infused water over the resin beads. Water is mix with salt in the brine tank to create a brine solution. When resin beads soak in brine, sodium ions replace mineral ions. Prepare them to soften hard water.

Every household has a unique regeneration cycle duration, timing, and frequency. Here, I will explain what each option means so you can find the correct combination for your circumstances: 

Regeneration Cycle Time

You need to set the correct time for the water softener to start a cycle. It determines the amount of water produced during a regeneration phase. The water softener will not have any new softened water.

A water softener can make loud noises during a regeneration cycle. You can schedule a regeneration cycle when your household does not use much water and is not disturbed by potential noise.

Regeneration Cycle Frequency

You can set regeneration cycles from 1-7 times per week, as long as your water doesn’t become hard between the cycles.

The quantity of water utilized in your house, the number of contaminants or minerals in the water, & the size of your water softener can help you choose the most effective frequency.

Try increasing the salt levels in the brine tank. Your resin beads might need more sodium to regenerate fully. However, if your water softener’s regeneration cycle runs once a day and you still notice hard water, the issue might be something else.

Regeneration Cycle Length

Water softeners allow you to specify the duration of the regeneration process. 30 to 60 minutes is a reasonable time frame for most households to complete a default regeneration cycle.

It is best to maintain the default setting unless you have a compelling reason to change it. An excessively brief regeneration cycle may cause ineffective resin beads.

Salt Dose

Check the salt dose settings on your water softener to determine the optimal salt dose. After you set the salt dose to the recommended settings, run the softener through a manual regeneration phase.

When the water-softening cycle is complete, check the water’s hardness level. If water has a high mineral content, use a higher-than-usual salt dosage to soften the water.

Essential Tips For Water Softener Maintenance


Water softeners require regular maintenance to remain in optimal condition. Using a few simple steps, you can increase the life expectancy of your system and keep your water gentle and safe for the future. Here are some essential tips for water softener maintenance: 

1. Utilize Good Salt

Use quality salt to refill your water softener’s brine tank. It’s great that water softener salt is quite affordable.

You can go with evaporated salt pellets. In addition, you can use any salt except block salt, which needs to be avoided unless the water softener manufacturer specifies its use.

2. Check The Salt Regularly

Refill your water softener’s brine tank every 2 months. But it’s up to you! You can also check it more frequently.

Just open the brine tank and ensure that the salt is wet & covered by water. If the tank has dry salt and a low water level, then it’s the right time to refill the brine tank with salt!

In addition, if your water softener is older than 10 years, it’s essential to check the soft level of the water softener.

3. Understand To Clean A Softener Resin Tank

A water softener consists of resin beads. And the regeneration process removes buildup from these beads. It is quite helpful if you know how to clean a water softener resin tank. 

You can hire a professional to replace these beads. Professional charges can be expensive, somewhere between $100 and $300. On the other hand, you can take it as a DIY and use an iron-cleaning formula to clean the beads & restore some efficiency to them. Remember that beads replacement is done every 7 years.

4. Look For Salt Bridges

A salt bridge is a layer that develops & separates the water & salt in your tank. It prevents the system from running correctly.

It is good to look for salt bridges occasionally. If you find one, just poke at it with a broom & it’ll give way soon enough.

5. Understand How To Clean A Water Softener Brine Tank

It is pretty good if you know how to clean a softener brine tank. You must wait until the brine tank is out of salt & scoop any remaining rocks.

The salt will look like sludge if the water softener is dirty. Whereas if the sludge is located on the bottom of the brine tank, then, use a stick or broom to remove it.

Once you get the sludge free, you need to clean the tank with detergent, water & a brush. You can also use a mold remover if mold has built up on the bottom. Then, give the tank a rinse, refill it with salt & then let it regenerate at night.

6. Know How To Spot Trouble

If you can spot problems before their arrival, then it’s the most valuable skill. Always check the brine tank regularly to remove any possible issues.

If water has a high concentration of minerals, it will cause difficulty for soap to create a lather. This is an uncomplicated way to evaluate your water softener daily.

You can also look out for some signs: 

  • Different water taste
  • Unusual frequent regeneration
  • Buildup in pipes, sinks, & bathtubs
  • Stiff laundry.

7. Call The Professionals If You Face Any Doubts

Maintaining a water softener is usually a straightforward task. If issues remain after fixing, it is advisable to contact a professional for help. This includes looking into the fundamentals such as:

  • Checking the salt levels
  • Rinsing or replacing the resin beads
  • Allowing the softener for regeneration
  • Clearing salt bridges.

If you don’t have a good knowledge of water softeners, then a specialist can spare you from messing with the electronic components.

Water Softener Maintenance: Cleaning Process


It is recommended to clean your water softener regularly to preserve top performance. In regular scenarios, a water softener does not require frequent cleaning – about once or twice every five years should be sufficient.

Here is the complete cleaning process for water softener maintenance: 

Cleaning The Brine Tank

Saltwater softeners can make cleaning more challenging. Because of this, it is best to clean the brine tank when it is nearly empty. Cleaning the brine tank at the right time is beneficial for two reasons.

Brine is light and easy to move due to its low salt content. Move the brine tank outdoors to avoid spreading water throughout your home. You can then correctly dispose of the brine outside.

Have a low-level brine tank while cleaning, as you can quickly see any dirt or debris at the bottom when the salt level is low. Dirt in the brine is entrapped in the salt as it passes through the brine tank and builds up over time.

You need to follow the steps to clean the brine tank: 

  • Maintain a space to discard brine – Dig a shallow hole in your yard. You can then line the bottom with landscape cloth, gravel & sand to keep the salts & impurities from leaching into the soil.
  • Drain the water – Take the brine tank outside & pour the water and sludge into the prepared hole.
  • Allow the tank to dry- Thoroughly dry the washed brine tank and its parts before reassembling them. If desired, you may use a rag to dry the brine valve.
  • Reassemble & refill – Bring the tank and its parts inside your home and put them back together. Connect the tank to an electrical source again and fill it with new, spotless salt almost to the brim.

After scrubbing the brine tank, you must ensure that the softener completes an entire regeneration cycle. This will enable the brine tank to reset and replenish itself.

Cleaning The Resin Tank

It is generally easier to clean the resin tank of a water softener than the brine tank. There are two main ways to clean the resin container: take it out and clean it by hand or utilize an iron-eliminating fluid and flush out any dirt with a regeneration cycle.

  • Solution of bleach and water – Ensure the water softener is unplugged before taking out the resin container. Subsequently, unscrew the screws, detach the valve, and remove the tank. Clean the resin with bleach and water before putting the container back. Then start a regeneration cycle to flush out every remaining trace of bleach from the system.
  • Buy an iron-removing product – Purchase a specially designed, iron-removing product. Follow the instructions and pour some of the product into the tank. Then start a regeneration cycle to remove any wastewater. Clean the brine and resin tanks regularly.

It is essential to inspect the quantity of salt in the brine tank every month to ensure it is adequate. If you skip this step, it might impact the ability of the resin beads to regenerate, which would cause problems with the quality of soft water in your household.

Ensure that your tank contains at least half salt to a minimum of 3 inches above the waterline. Although a higher salt-to-water ratio is more effective, you must remain vigilant and reduce the salt amount if you perceive it is sticking to your tank’s sides.

How Long Does A Water Softener Last?

The longevity of a water softener typically ranges from 10-20 years, depending on the brand, grade, and kind of tank. If your tank is over 5 years old and you observe a decrease in its effectiveness, get it repaired.

If your water storage container is almost a decade old and not running as proficiently as before, you must get a new one. As soon as you face any issues, you should contact a specialist to install a new tank.

To ensure the longevity of your tank, follow these instructions: 

  • Change the filter as often as it needs
  • Avoid overexerting the work it needs to do for your home
  • Adding regenerate before water is visible in the brine tank
  • Flush resin beads with water softener yearly for effective working.

Water Softener Maintenance: Servicing

If your water softener is correctly installed, it can remain in proper working order for a long time with minimum care. It is essential to do regular cleaning, changing the salt, cleaning out the brine tank, and having a professional inspection yearly to ensure the most efficient use of your water softener.

In addition to assessing any harm, an expert can complete many tasks related to a soft water system, such as washing the softener, adjusting its parameters, administering regular upkeep, and evaluating the water that goes into & out of the device.

Here are some of the crucial tips regarding servicing a water softener: 

  • Settings optimization – Examine your water softener with a professional yearly to ensure that all settings are optimized. A water treatment professional will guide you to get the best settings for your family’s needs. It’ll save you money in the future.
  • Water assessment – A water treatment professional can test your water & monitor the different levels of minerals or impurities. They will detect the changes & catch a malfunction early.
  • Cleaning and upkeep – A water treatment professional understands the intricacies of water softeners. They offer the highest level of service so that water softener has the longest possible lifespan. The water treatment professional cleans out the brine tank & recharges resin beads in yearly servicing calls. They will look for salt bridges, mushing, and venturi blockages.
  • Maintenance – A water softener’s components will wear out in a period. A professional will examine all parts of your water softener in an annual check-up and find worn parts that need replacement.

FAQs On Water Softener Maintenance

1. Do water softeners require maintenance?

A water softener requires maintenance regularly. By just doing a few simple things, you can extend your system’s life and ensure that your water remains safe and soft for a long time.

2. What kind of maintenance needs to be done on a water softener?

Refill the water softener’s brine tank with salt every 2 months. Nonetheless, it is still beneficial to examine the brine tank regularly. Open the lid occasionally and ensure that the salt is immersed and surrounded by water.

3. How often should water softener be serviced?

The water softener should get serviced annually. Add salt to the water softener and clean out the brine tank occasionally.

4. What happens if you don’t maintain your water softener?

When you fail to refill your water softener, the water-softening resin remains soaked, which blocks the ion exchange process and allows minerals from hard water to get into your pipe system, appliances, and fixtures.

Summary: Water Softener Maintenance


A water softener must be properly configured to provide a steady flow of softened water. It comes with 4 basic settings such as regeneration cycle time, regeneration cycle frequency, regeneration cycle length, and salt dose.

Clean your water softener regularly to preserve top performance. In regular scenarios, a water softener does not require frequent cleaning – about once or twice every five years should be sufficient. It is, however, a good idea to schedule a system cleaning if the hardness of output water suddenly increases or takes a brown tint.

The longevity of a water softener typically ranges from 10-20 years, depending on the brand, grade, and kind of tank. If your tank is over 5 years old and you observe a decrease in its effectiveness, repair it.

If your water softener is correctly installed, it can remain in proper working order for a long time with minimum care. It is essential to do regular cleaning, changing the salt, cleaning out the brine tank, and having a professional inspection yearly to ensure the most efficient use of your water softener.

I hope this article on water softener maintenance sounds helpful!

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